justanotherdevGetting Started in Audio Software DevelopmentSo you’re looking to build software that processes audio, but you don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re new to software…Jan 14, 202213Jan 14, 202213
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Nishān WickramarathnaAudio Visualization in JavaScript with p5.jsThis time I thought of visualizing audio from JavaScript. There’s no reason for why I wanted to do this in the first place! but, I thought…May 2, 20201051May 2, 20201051
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InThe StartupbyEsco ObongHow to Study for Data-Structures and Algorithms Interviews at FAANGThis was me in 2015 ☠️. A startup I had joined as “founding employee” after we raised a $500k seed round from a prototype was shut down…Jan 1, 20217.7K23Jan 1, 20217.7K23
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Jonathan MinesHow to Upload CSV’s using React, Rails and FetchWhile working on a project I ran into some trouble finding the right way to upload CSV files to my rails backend using a React frontend and…Apr 12, 20182143Apr 12, 20182143
Jonathan MinesThe Ultimate Github Collaboration GuideThis is just one of many ways to collaborate on a project using GitHub. But it’s one I would suggest if you’re just starting out working…May 29, 20181.3K7May 29, 20181.3K7
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InHow I Get It…byAlejandro SabogalRails + React.js Heroku DeploymentThe next logical step after spending time developing your applications, and once you’re satisfied with your work, is to deploy them. In…May 2, 20192053May 2, 20192053